Woman thinking about her fentanyl and cocaine use

How Fentanyl Gets Mixed With Cocaine

Fentanyl and cocaine are two very different drugs, though both are Schedule II controlled substances. Law enforcement agencies in several states have reported that cocaine is being laced with fentanyl by drug traffickers in ever-increasing amounts. The dangers of cocaine use are matched by the dangers of fentanyl. When people take these two drugs together,…

Woman experiencing a cocaine overdose

Signs of a Cocaine Overdose

Many drugs now sold illegally for recreational use were originally used for other purposes. From religious rites to medical applications, substances derived from the coca plant have been used by humans for centuries. Cocaine addiction accounts for about one out of 10 people in rehab, and yet most people suffering from cocaine addiction don’t receive…

person in shadows struggling with cocaine abuse

Recognizing Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is a stimulant drug derived from the coca plant. First synthesized over 100 years ago and used in common products like over-the-counter remedies and even Coca-Cola, cocaine soon became recognized as addictive. An accessible street drug in powder form or as smokable crack, cocaine sends thousands of people into cocaine addiction treatment programs annually.…

a man sits at a window and wonders what is the cocaine definition

What Is Cocaine?

What does a typical cocaine addiction treatment center offer its clients? Because cocaine is considered a highly addictive substance, and its misuse usually results in severe addiction, the ideal treatment center should allow clients to complete the full course of addiction treatment within its walls. Most treatment centers offer various services to make getting professional…

a group of people discuss the benefits of getting cocaine addiction treatment

Cocaine Addiction: 3 Benefits of Getting Cocaine Addiction Treatment

In the past, people of all ages used cocaine because they believed it was safe for unregulated consumption. Cocaine, derived from the coca plant, could be found in over-the-counter medications, family remedies, and even the original Coca-Cola recipe. Eventually, all that changed. Medical professionals understood its highly addictive qualities and began to use it legally…


What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication?

Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using,…