Cocaine addiction is still a significant cause for concern in the United States. Many people think of the cocaine epidemic as peaking in the 1970s and 80s and the crack epidemic as being in the news in the 1980s and 90s. However, neither of these drugs, which are derived from the coca plant, have disappeared. Addiction to cocaine and crack cocaine still cause thousands of deaths a year, and millions of Americans report trying coke. The fact that cocaine is highly addictive means that experimentation can lead to trouble very quickly. Cocaine addiction treatment is the safest and most effective way to achieve lasting recovery.
If you are concerned about your use of cocaine, get information about the Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge (PAATC) cocaine addiction center by contacting us. Our professional staff includes addiction specialists, therapists, and medical practitioners who can guide you safely to a life of health, meaning, and recovery. Call today at 888.546.2579 or use our online form to reach out for information and help.
The Stages of Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms
Once you decide to stop taking cocaine, your body works to shed all remnants of the drug. If you are addicted, which means your body and mind are dependent on cocaine, you will experience withdrawal symptoms in three stages: crash, withdrawal, and extinction.
The crash begins about 24 hours after the last use of cocaine. Its severity depends on the duration of abuse, the potency of the drug (and whether it is cocaine, crack, or freebase), and the frequency of use. Symptoms of the crash include:
- Anxiety
- Exhaustion and increased need for sleep
- Increased appetite
- Intense dysphoria
- Shortness of breath and coughing
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Depression
- A temporary decrease in cravings
Withdrawal is the next stage and can begin three days after last use and may last up to six months. During this phase, relapse is most likely because the symptoms include intense psychological pain and discomfort. For this reason, residential treatment may be necessary for cocaine detox and treatment. Symptoms of this stage include:
- Intense drug cravings
- Short term memory loss
- Irritability
- Lethargy
- Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure)
- Lack of concentration
Extinction is the term used for the third and final stage of cocaine withdrawal. During this stage, the acute and post-acute symptoms begin to recede, decreasing in frequency and intensity. Those recovering from cocaine addiction will still experience cravings, but they usually happen intermittently and in reaction to external triggers. The triggers can include reminders of a traumatic event or a person or place associated with cocaine use.
Focus on Recovery in a Cocaine Treatment Program
In a cocaine addiction center, treatments will focus on rewiring your brain. We work with clients to establish different and healthier neural pathways to replace the addicted brain’s drug-induced shortcuts to pleasure and euphoria during the detox and rehab process. We use cognitive-behavioral therapy and other treatment modalities, as well as faith-based treatment.
Cocaine addiction treatment is a process designed to help individuals overcome their substance abuse disorder. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Medications can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms while therapy helps people learn healthier ways to cope with stress and manage triggers that may lead to drug use. Lifestyle changes such as improved nutrition, regular physical activity, and avoiding triggers can help individuals maintain sobriety. Treatment programs may also offer support groups and other resources to help people stay on track. With the right treatment plan, individuals can overcome cocaine addiction and resume a healthy lifestyle.
Support systems are vital for people who are in recovery from cocaine and crack addiction. Because cocaine is typically a social drug, taken with other people rather than in solitude, your friendships when you were addicted may have centered around coke. In cocaine treatment programs, including those for teen cocaine addiction, the support of peers is instrumental in recovery. We also strive to include the family, when appropriate, in therapy. The peers who support one another through rehab often become the core of a post-discharge support network that can stay with you throughout life.
When seeking treatment for cocaine addiction, it is important for individuals to find an individualized program that addresses their specific needs. The primary goal of treatment should be to provide guidance and tools for individuals to achieve lasting recovery. Treatment plans may include individual, group, or family therapy sessions as well as educational classes and medication-assisted therapies such as methadone or buprenorphine.
Learn More About PAATC’s Cocaine Addiction Center
At PAATC, we specifically create a treatment plan using evidence-based therapies. We tailor this plan to your individual needs, which can be effective for cocaine addiction in many cases. The professionals caring for you and the other clients will be experts in cocaine addiction treatment and support you through detox and all three stages of cocaine withdrawal.
Our aftercare programs ensure that even once you leave the treatment program, we can track your progress. We can also offer opportunities to continue therapy, engage in sober activities, and experience the ongoing support of our staff. Reach out today to learn more about cocaine treatment programs at PAATC. Our number is 888.546.2579, or you can use our online form, and someone will reach out to you.