A man thinking about heroin and the brain

Heroin and the Brain

Whether used medically or abused, psychoactive drugs work because they interact within the brain to produce certain effects. A psychiatrist might prescribe an anti-depressant to help a patient feel better. That medication works because of how it impacts brain chemistry to help alleviate depression. Similarly, an opioid like heroin or fentanyl affects the brain. The…

Man feeling the short-term effects of heroin

Understanding the Short-Term Effects of Heroin

The opioid crisis reached critical proportions in the 1990s with the extensive distribution of Oxy by physicians misled by false claims that it was non-addictive. The prevalence of synthetic opioids such as oxycodone or fentanyl has not pushed out the high incidence of heroin and morphine use. These drugs are opiates derived from the opium…

Two women discuss heroin and relationships

How Heroin Addiction Affects Relationships

Addiction to heroin, or any controlled substance, wreaks havoc within the life of the person abusing drugs and the lives of their loved ones. Unfortunately, one of the primary casualties of heroin addiction is human connection and the relationships that once played an essential role in your wellbeing and happiness. Do not wait if you…

man sitting down

5 Signs of Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is one of the most severe forms of addiction. Because this substance is highly addictive, withdrawal from it can be intense. More so, many people can become addicted quickly, feeling unable to stop using on their own. Yet, some people may not notice what is happening to their loved ones initially. This can…