When drinking becomes a problem

When Drinking Becomes a Problem

There are moments in life that we don’t really notice when they happen. For example, when drinking stops being an occasional indulgence and becomes a problem. It’s often not until much later, when the problem has become a life-altering disease known as addiction, that we realize what has happened. At Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge…

two men laughing

New Year’s Resolution Tips to Help Your Alcohol Addiction

The start of a new year is always a good time to begin working on your life goals, and a commitment to kicking an addiction is one of the best goals you can set for yourself. However, getting rid of an addiction is a lofty feat that can be challenging to reach without creating smaller stepping stone…

male holding whiskey in a glass

Are There Different Types of Alcoholics?

Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, affects millions of adults in the United States. Though we tend to lump people addicted to alcohol into a stereotype, there is no typical alcoholic. In fact, there are five subgroups of alcohol addiction that are recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Regardless of what kind of alcoholism…