Alcohol addiction isn’t something that appears suddenly. Signs of alcohol addiction often sneak up on a person. There are subtle signs that worsen over time, and these are the signs that others can sometimes notice before you do. Other signs indicate that there may be a problem, but your loved ones may not see it.
There are many reasons why alcohol addiction is considered to be one of the worst addictions of all. For one, it’s incredibly difficult to break free from. Alcoholics often find themselves powerless over their addiction and unable to stop drinking, even when they know it’s causing them harm. In addition, alcoholism can have a devastating impact on both the individual and their loved ones. It can lead to job loss, financial ruin, and even death. Finally, alcoholism is a very isolating disease, and those who are struggling with it often feel ashamed and alone.
Signs of alcohol addiction often worsen over time. If you’re worried about yourself or a loved one, it’s important to get help. There are many ways to get help for alcohol addiction, and it’s important to find the right one for you. Seek out a doctor or therapist or go to a reputable addiction treatment center. Whatever you do, don’t wait until it’s too late.
Do you need the services of an alcohol addiction treatment center? If so, call us today at 888.546.2579.
6 Signs of Alcohol Addiction
There are clear indications of alcohol addiction. If you are worried that someone you know may be struggling with alcohol addiction, look for the following six signs:
1. Making Excuses to Drink
Saying you only drink to relax in the evening, drink to help you sleep, or drink to enable you to loosen up in a social situation are all excuses. So is saying you are going through a difficult time and will stop when things get better. These are all signs of using alcohol as a tool for coping with or avoiding emotional situations.
2. Choosing Drinking Over Responsibilities
One of the frequent signs of alcohol addiction is avoiding responsibilities to drink. This sign can look like missing work because you are hungover. Have you missed family events or spent the rent money on a drinking spree? These are all examples of avoiding responsibilities to drink.
3. Drinking Alone/In Secret
When you regularly sit and drink alone, it is time to question yourself. This sign may be particularly prevalent if you try to hide the drinking. Ask yourself if you have ever denied drinking or played down the amount you drink. Do you hide evidence of the fact? All of these indicate that you know there is a problem but may not be ready to admit it to yourself and others.
4. Wanting to Quit But Can’t
Many people with alcohol use problems have reached the point at least once where they know there is a problem but making an effort to quit drinking failed. It could be the withdrawal symptoms are too painful to deal with alone. In many cases, it is the fear of how they will manage life without alcohol. It has become the go-to solution for many things, so functioning without it seems scary or impossible.
5. Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal symptoms can be either physical or psychological. People with alcohol addiction will experience these symptoms when they don’t have any alcohol in their system. Withdrawal symptoms can be as subtle as an angry or lost mood or as concerning as chills and tremors. Usually, there is a mixture of both psychological and physical. It becomes tempting to take a drink to ease the withdrawal symptoms.
6. Negative Consequence Not a Deterrent
Alcohol addiction makes it difficult to stop, even when you have experienced adverse consequences from your drinking. Despite things like lost jobs, marital issues, or problems with money or the law, the drinking continues. This often goes back to making excuses to drink.
As things get worse in their life, they will say they drink because things are so bad. It becomes a vicious circle at this point because you are suffering the adverse effects of alcohol, drinking to cope, and making the effects worse. For instance, they may show up drunk for a DUI court proceeding.
Help With Alcohol Addiction
If you or your loved one has the above signs, you may be feeling that alcohol is taking over your life. This doesn’t have to be the case. We offer a variety of services, including:
- Detox services
- Inpatient addiction treatment
- Outpatient addiction treatment
- Faith-based treatment options
- Short-term clinical services
Contact Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge by calling 888.546.2579 today. We can help you determine where you are right now and design a program that will allow you to regain control of your life. Don’t wait another day to take back your life.