A woman worrying about commonly abused opiates

Commonly Abused Opiates

Opiates are widely used for pain management and relief. However, with the high risk of addiction that comes along with usage, it’s important to understand the impact that these drugs can have. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the misuse and abuse of prescription opiates, which has led to numerous fatalities.…

A man experiencing opioid dependence

Recognizing Opioid Dependence

It’s very difficult for people to recognize the signs opioid addiction or opioid dependence in themselves. Part of addiction means that the brain maintains its denial in order to continue having access to the drug it depends on to function. However, this stand-off doesn’t have to be a life sentence, with someone’s health and sobriety…

Young woman experiencing the danger of Percocet

Dangers of Percocet

Percocet is a narcotic analgesic that doctors commonly prescribe to treat acute pain and moderate to severe chronic pain. This medication is a combination of oxycodone, which is a derivative of opium, and acetaminophen, a non-narcotic analgesic. However, it is also highly addictive. The danger of Percocet cannot be overstated. During the pandemic, there has…

People discussing hydrocodone vs oxycodone

The Difference Between Hydrocodone and Oxycodone

Hydrocodone vs. oxycodone, or, to use their commercial brand names, Vicodin vs. Percocet, is in some ways a scientific hair-splitting if you consider how highly addictive both of these semi-synthetic opioid painkillers can be. But, in truth, the differences can be meaningful when doctors choose which one to prescribe. Both of these powerful pain relievers…

Fentanyl abuse

Signs of Fentanyl Abuse

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, meaning it is created in a laboratory. Like so many pharmaceutical drugs, fentanyl was originally intended exclusively for medical use. Unsurprisingly, this highly addictive opioid was abused and soon became available on the street. It is used by some drug dealers to increase the addictiveness of other substances, and regular…

a woman sits on a couch and wonders about the dangers of opiates

Why Are Opiates Dangerous?

There are several dangers of opiates, particularly their highly addictive nature. In the 90s, they were marketed as non-addictive but are now one the leading causes of overdose cases in the United States. Moreover, these overdoses occur when people combine opiates with other drugs such as benzodiazepines. The opioid epidemic has swept the nation and…

a man covers his face as he considers the signs of benzo addiction

5 Signs of Benzo Addiction

The use of benzos can be highly pleasurable at first. However, benzo addiction inevitably will negatively impact health, career, and relationships. Read on to learn more about the signs of benzo addiction and to get information on contacting the addiction treatment program at Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge. What Is Benzo Addiction? Before determining if…

hands holding pills

3 Signs You’re Addicted to Prescribed Pills

The most commonly abused prescription medications fall into three categories: depressants, opioids, and stimulants. Whether it’s a barbiturate prescribed for sleep or anxiety, an opioid used in pain management, or amphetamines to treat ADHD – numerous prescription psychoactive medications can be abused and are potentially addictive. The epidemic of prescription drug use disorders means that…

pills in a mans hands

3 Signs You’re Addicted to Prescription Medication

Prescription medications exist to help mitigate symptoms, provide relief, and allow people to heal. Physicians control them because many have side effects. Doctors must monitor their use, and most people pay for them through medical insurance plans. Sometimes, those medications have addictive qualities, and patients need to be monitored for long-term abuse. Then some have…