Entering addiction treatment can be a confusing time for both the person entering and their loved ones. You want to be there and help your loved one in any way possible, but maybe you don’t know what to do. After all, there are doctors and counselors involved, and they have much more experience with this process. What they don’t have is the knowledge and love you have for your loved one. These factors are going to be necessary when they move into further stages of treatment. Your support in addiction treatment started when you helped your loved one make that critical step of reaching out for help. You will still have a significant role in the process. To learn more, reach out to Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge today at 844.442.8673.
Educate Yourself
One of the best ways to support your loved one in treatment is to educate yourself on the subject. Learn all you can about their particular addiction and any comorbid mental illnesses. Find out what a person thinks and feels at each stage of recovery. It would be best if you also prepared yourself for good as well as the perilous times. Knowledge truly is power. Join a group for family members. It would be best if you had support too. Organizations such as Al-Anon or Alateen provide support for loved ones of those in addiction recovery.
Minimize Environmental Triggers and Temptations
When your loved one is home, you should attempt to minimize triggers and temptations. Plan social events that avoid drugs or alcohol. Learn what creates anxiety and the wish to withdraw either physically or through imbibing. Be ready to step in and advocate for your loved one if you find yourself in a situation, such as a family event, where others don’t support their effort.
Listen to Them
Sit down and honestly listen to what your loved one is saying. Your loved one knows better than anyone what they need in the way of support. Be willing to listen and follow through. In many cases, just being able to talk with someone about what they are feeling is essential. Listen without judgment and only offer advice if your loved one asks for it.
Give Them Some Space
This factor is incredibly difficult if you are the parent, but your loved one won’t become stronger if you are always hovering over them. Be there but allow them the chance to make their decisions. Listen to them when they feel ready to move forward a step, attend a potentially triggering event, or need time alone. Let them know you are there if they need you, then stand back and allow them to apply what they have worked so hard to learn.
Take Care of Yourself
Give yourself some love. Take time for you. Eat well, sleep a decent amount, and pursue your own interests. Addiction has likely pushed everything aside over time, and it is time to get back to the life you once had. When you become strong and happy, you are better able to be there for others.
Starting the Addiction Treatment Journey
One way to give support in addiction treatment is by helping your loved one reach out by calling places like Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge. Helping them have the strength to seek the professional help they need to build a strong foundation from which to begin their recovery is essential. Addiction is a family disorder, and everyone is affected. You may eventually need to sit in on counseling. Once addiction treatment begins, your next step is to regain your own strength and sense of normalcy so you can step in when it is essential to continue your support. Be there for your loved one but also be there for yourself. We have your back. We offer a range of treatment options, including:
- Detox services
- Inpatient addiction treatment
- Outpatient addiction treatment
- Faith-based addiction treatment
Don’t let your loved one suffer alone. Contact Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge today at 844.442.8673.