Newsletter-December2020 1


My personal journey in PA Adult & Teen Challenge (PAATC) began in 2006 when I was desperate, broken and far from God. The concept of “legacy” was not something I had even thought of up to that point in my life. I was simply looking for another way out of the trouble, pain, and fear I had to deal with every single day because of my addiction.

When I entered Western PA Adult &  Teen Challenge it took about two months before God introduced himself to me in the Scriptures. He changed me and gave me a new legacy to impact my family, ministry, and community.

As we enter into the Christmas season of 2020, a year filled with ups and downs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am reminded that God has given each of us a new legacy and an eternal gift, namely himself. Hebrews 6:19 states that, “We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,” because of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Each time God changes a life through PAATC, He changes another legacy, bringing generational change. Each time you partner with us and invest in the critically important work of PAATC, you too, are part of their story! Thank you for investing in PAATC, and even though our world continues to experience many ups and downs, we are reminded of the miracle that was prophesied many years ago, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Thank you and may you experience the blessing of the Lord as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Merry Christmas from the entire PA Adult & Teen Challenge and Naaman Center family!

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Kris J. McFadden, Sr., M.A.R.


This year two of the students’ dorm rooms received a much-deserved upgrade. We were given a very generous donation to completely renovate two of our eight student living areas. When the students returned to the renovated 101 and 102 dorms they were amazed by the transformation, encouraged by our donor’s kindness, and grateful for this blessing. We are thankful that our donors understand the important role that an individual’s environment plays on their recovery and we are especially grateful to all of those who were involved with making this renovation possible.

– Rehrersburg Faith-Based Residential Program

This year we launched our very own long-term discipleship program here in WPA. We now have 38 beds for men to complete the entire 12 month Christian discipleship program at our campus outside of Pittsburgh. We are excited to develop this programming, pour into these students, and see them become mature men of God. Our counselors, staff, and interns are all coming together in great unity to make this vision a reality.

– Western PA Adult & Teen Challenge

Through a variety of generous gifts and grants, we were able to renovate an existing building on our Rehrersburg campus, and in April, we opened our new Counseling Center. Our Counseling Center provides a dedicated space to serve those in need through a variety of group and individual counseling sessions. The impact on those in our short-term program has been amazing. Many are seeing their need for the Lord and transitioning to our long-term program. Thank you to everyone who gave to make this project possible.

– Rehrersburg Short-Term Program

We are excited to begin remodeling the wing that will be used for our short-term licensed programming. This previously unused space will be for men who are ready to make a short commitment to recovery and in this process they will be cared for with the best clinical counseling and programming available. From this program, we hope they will make a commitment to continue into our long-term Christian discipleship program. We were also able to fully remodel the recreation room, where our students and patients are able to relax, watch movies, play games and fellowship with one another.

– Western PA Adult & Teen Challenge

God always seems to work through trials and struggles, and constantly lets us know that He is right there next to us in the middle of it. This year has been a tremendous example of how closely He walks with us through our programs and works in the lives of our patients, all while we are experiencing challenges.

– Rehrersburg Short-Term Program

When we act in obedience, God moves, and he moved in amazing ways this year! Your donations are the backbone of our ministry and through those donations, you have touched thousands of lives, relationships have been restored, and family legacies have been altered. You can use the enclosed form to give or give securely online at

Your support has made a major impact in the lives of hundreds of men and women this year at Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge and Naaman Center.

Because of you, lives were changed, and people found comfort and support during one of the most challenging years in our world’s recent memory. PAATC and Naaman Center were not only able to survive this year, but your investment made it possible for the organization and the people we serve, to grow and thrive. We’ve assembled a few of the many stories about how you made a difference this year.



Trauma can affect every area of a person’s mental,  emotional and spiritual life. The clinical staff at  Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge has pursued and gained a more comprehensive understanding of trauma. We have implemented new and very valuable trauma approaches in counseling. The team has also seen the effects of this care in the transformation of all of those we serve.

– Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge


The unity, teamwork, and sacrifices that were made during the challenges of COVID were truly a blessing. Our staff cared for our students and kept moving forward, even during the most uncertain times.

– Western PA Adult & Teen Challenge


Our team’s greatest victory this year was to transition to telehealth services during COVID. The switch forced us to reevaluate how we work together as a team, and it also encouraged us to be intentional  in how we connect with one another. Through this change, we were able to continue to be a support  to clients as they themselves responded to the stress and uncertainty of this time. We were able to be a human connection for them and to help them with whatever ways they were personally impacted by the changes related to the pandemic.

– Naaman Center Elizabethtown Campus


We’ve had to overcome many trials and tribulations due to COVID-19. Through it all, we are proud to say that our medical detox program has remained open and is even now accepting new patients. We are also grateful to have hired new team members and are excited that we have a strong team that values each other’s roles and encourages open communication. We were also able to develop a more structured process and workflow that has been a blessing to those in our care.

– Rehrersburg Detox Program


A key component of our mission exists in the preservation of human life. In May, we expanded our programs and services for women through our new Hope for Women short-term inpatient program. We now have 12 beds in a beautifully restored building on our Rehrersburg campus. We have been able to care for and provide short-term inpatient individual and group counseling to ladies who are struggling with addiction. We have found much joy as we have seen women complete this program, and go on to enter our faith-based long-term program for women in our Philadelphia Women’s Home.

– Hope for Women Rehrersburg Short-Term Program


Our team’s greatest victory was being able to continue to provide quality outpatient services during the pandemic. This season presented unique challenges for people struggling with substance use disorders and those in recovery. Additionally, we were able to coordinate outpatient counseling and case management services. Striving to work with our clients during the pandemic was both a challenge and a reward, but because of the Lord’s mercy, your support, and the perseverance of our team, we pressed forward towards the mark.

– Naaman Center Lancaster Campus


In January, we were blessed by a grant from the Reading Music Foundation which allowed us to bring a certified music therapist from WB Music Therapy, a local music therapy practice, to our campus. We have 3 music therapy groups each week in our detox, short-term male, and short-term female programs.

The Lord provided the resources needed to remain open during COVID, keep the right staff in the right spots and keep all of our staff and patients safe. As we experienced the worst of the impact, God was still here, helping us through it.

– Rehrersburg Short-Term Program

The Lord provided through protection. In the midst of the pandemic, the Teen Challenge Women’s Home hasn’t had a single case of COVID-19. Because the program is considered a residential setting, the facility is classified as a high risk environment. The Lord made it so that neither patient, student, nor staff member ever tested positive. It has truly been a miracle.

– Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge

The Lord has helped each one of us throughout this trying time and has helped guide us in the right direction. We pray every day that he keeps guiding us in the right direction so that we can continue to be his hands here on Earth, vicariously living out His will. The Lord empowered us with strength and courage so that we can continue rendering services to our patients with good will.

– Rehrersburg Detox Program


A young lady came to us from the court system. Due to her heroin use and criminal behavior, she was required to either come to Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge or go to prison. Her relationship with her family was completely broken and there was minimal communication with them. She had lost all rights to her son and was no longer able to see him. She started the program with a great deal of anger and mistrust. Despite these intense feelings, she began to see the genuine care of the staff, and one evening she was willing to hear and respond to the gospel. Following this moment, she began to experience hope and restoration. Her relationships with her parents and siblings have been completely restored. She also restored her relationship with her son and she is able to see him regularly. Along with these miraculous changes, she completed the program and is now serving faithfully in a women’s ministry.

– Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge


A patient who came to the program only to get out of jail, insisted that addiction was not actually an issue for her. She struggles with chronic pain, and was convinced that this was her only issue. Her initial sessions with her counselor consisted mainly of various threats to the facility if we didn’t release her from the program! Through counseling, prayer, and a little tough love, she is now able to articulate an understanding of addiction in her life, has learned to delay gratification, and give up her own will. She recently stated to me, “Since Jesus suffered for us, I can endure my own cross for Him.” Amazing!

– Philadelphia Adult & Teen Challenge


Offering telehealth services allowed us to meet with many people who were in deep need. Some clients found that the safety of their own home meant that they felt comfortable to “go deeper” and discuss things that they had not previously discussed during in-person sessions. By their willingness to discuss these hard topics, we were able to address them in a way that has resulted in steps towards freedom. For other clients, telehealth allowed us to address situations or crises in real-time. Being able to help people through a crisis as it was happening allowed for the use of tools and success in coping skills not otherwise typically obtained. Each client decision toward wellness and freedom in Christ is a success that we celebrate.

– Naaman Center Elizabethtown Campus


We have had several success stories with patients throughout the year that it
is hard to just pick one! We love to see our patients move from detox to our Compassion program and see them striving in our faith-based, long-term program. It is blessing to be a part of this transformation.

– Rehrersburg Detox Program


One man who entered our program experienced numerous hardships in his life at the beginning of his stay at PAATC. Thankfully, rather than giving up, he chose to persevere, seeking after God and continuing to face these struggles throughout his time here. Through his faithfulness, the Lord moved in his life and he eventually graduated our program, eagerly moving into a position as an Intern. During his internship, he thrived, applying all that he learned as student! Months later, when hardships once again came along, he was able to face them as a much stronger individual than ever before. You could immediately see his maturity as he pursued Christ and sought counsel from pastoral mentors and other leadership. After many months of witnessing his perseverance and growth in the Lord, we look forward to welcoming him shortly as a new member of our full-time staff!

– Rehrersburg Faith-Based Residential Program


My hope is that Naaman Center is leaving the legacy of a place where people can experience Jesus’ compassionate welcome and His willingness to walk alongside them as they move forward in recovery. I hope we will be known for our sincere care for our clients and one another. I hope that this care will point to Jesus and his ultimate care for us. I hope that we will be known for excellent treatment that is individualized and effective. I hope that people like you will be encouraged to continue engaging and supporting individuals in addiction and recovery.

– Naaman Center Elizabethtown Campus


Our prayer is that the community will see our organization and specifically our long-term program, as a safe and loving place for help in a time of need. Our goal is to continue to point to Christ and remain a trusted partner who will welcome those that are struggling with substances with open arms. – Rehrersburg Faith-Based Residential Program We all want to be remembered for something, to be known as more than merely ordinary, to be someone who truly made a difference. We all want to be known as someone who truly made a difference, to leave an imprint on this world and to leave behind something that can make the future a little brighter. Here we feel the same and believe in “Bringing Wholeness to the Hopeless.”

– Rehrersburg Detox Program